France |

Thank you for helping to make my dream come true!

Eight years ago I made a phone call that has changed my life!   That phone call was to Jackie Howchin, who was recommended by a friend during an extremely difficult stage of my life, and these are my thanks to this wonderful person:

Thank you Jackie for helping me get my strength back!

Thank you Jackie for helping me get myself esteem back!

Jackie, thank you for helping me make my dream come true!!

I have followed my dream and moved to the south of France thanks to you , where I made myself a new life and never looked back, and have no regrets.   You helped me with your reiki, talks, wise advice and guidance.  We developed a beautiful friendship, and you are still always there for me!

Thank you for the healing visits you make to France, when you bring love and Reiki healing in huge quantities! You leave behind such beautiful energy, and remind me each time you come all this way to give me Reiki, just how lucky I am to have met you!
I thank the universe for bringing you into my life!