Reiki for Pets & Animals


Reiki provides a gentle and natural approach to healing for all pets and animals, and it’s wonderful to see the instant calm in most animals as soon as healing is given.

Healing with animals does not need to be hands-on, and can be given from a distance if necessary.

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Reiki Healing for Animals:

  • works on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of animals
  • deepens the bond between human and animal
  • complements both conventional and holistic medicine
  • can lessen the side effects of medicines and other procedures
  • can help maintain health on all levels
  • can help and support a dying animal and ease the transition at the end of its life
  • is very helpful for any animal that has been in a shelter situation
  • induces deep relaxation and stress-reduction
  • Over time, Reiki can reduce nervousness

Healing is carried out at the home of the animal, so that it is comfortable in its own surroundings. A one-hour session costs £65. An additional charge for travelling time and expenses will be incurred if the visit is outside a 10 mile radius of Bournemouth.

 Gift Vouchers
Beautiful Positive Energy Vouchers make the perfect gift to celebrate a special occasion for a friend or loved one.
Vouchers available from £10 upwards.

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