Healing Art Workshop at Kimbridge Barn, Romsey

Healing Art Workshop – what an amazing day!

I was truly blessed to be invited to run a Healing Art Workshop at the stunning Kimbridge Barn near Romsey this month, and what an incredible day we had.  The venue was stunning, and full of beautiful energy and incredibly friendly and helpful staff.

After a lovely healing Meditation, the participants picked up their paintbrushes and truly created Art from their Heart.   Each participant received Reiki healing throughout the day, to help shift any negativity that may be blocking their mind, body and soul, and there were lots of tears, and of course laughter too.

I’m excited to say that we had some huge breakthroughs during the workshop… participants overcoming issues of Trust, learning how to create flow and balance in their lives, learning how to take back their power and focus on their personal strength and self-empowerment, creating a new direction in their lives and most of all, giving themselves permission to enjoy a full day of self-healing, free from guilt.

I am so passionate about healing through art, and truly love what I do … changing the vibration of the planet one soul at a time.

Where there are no words … there is art!

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